I watched "Blackhawk Down" for about the fourth time tonight. Another tragedy for an American president who spent his own time as a draft dodger! More of a tragedy for the troops who suffered under his lack of leadership!
Another example of stinking ingratitude by another worthless Muslim nation dedicated to killing it's own!
Kind of like the flooding in Pakistan and the terrorists there warning aid workers to stay away even if it means more deaths, suffering, disease and starvation!
In other words Submission(Islam) would rather it's own innocent doe than be exposed to Christian aid workers actually saving lives!
Funny! I don't see a huge rise of Submission all over the Arab world trying to help in this disaster!
I liked the scene in the movie when the criminal Muslim butchers were mowed down by the GE mini-guns on the choppers!
Do I cheer death? No! I do, however, cheer justice against those butchering and starving their own people!
Submission! Submit or die! So says the Qu'ran!
I shall not submit!
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