In order to achieve a socialist utopia(An oxymoron indeed!) the capitolist system must be dismantled! This is right out of the Cloward/Pivin workbook for socialism.
One must create social unrest and institute class warfare and corporate America seems determined to help the situation along!
As I have continually defended the rights of the unborn and fought against the abortion mills thast have killed two generations of innocent babies, not to mention taxpayers, I have pointed out the fact that our president has steadfastly defended the butchery of mostly minority children! This has, by the broadest definition been literal racial genocide and ethnic cleansing.
And yet because I have dared speak out against this barbarity our president supports I have been labeled a "hater!"
Socialist utopias(chuckle) always bring about bondage to the state! History bears this out. Perhaps if we actually knew more about our president's education we could verify if he ever attended a history class!
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