Six o'clock and I haven't even dressed yet. Mother is feeling bad today so I stayed in all day working. Washing clothes, servicing vending machines and cleaning out the hall closet.
All anyone is talking about today is the debt crisis deal and the Norway shooting and bombings.
No one seems to care that if the debt limit is left alone and the country defaults the interest we pay on what we've already borrowed will shoot up and so will the interest on people's mortgages!
"Cut, cap and balance" seems not to make sense to democrats(sic) and establishment republicans have no intention of ever following it!
Meanwhile families are losing their homes and I see them on the side of the road selling everything they own to buy some food!
Here's a good phrase to laugh at: "The full faith and credit of the United States!" Pardon me while I barf!
We live in strange times!
Muslims are already whining about being pointed at first concerning the terrorism in Norway! Well, duh! What group of people cause the most terror in the world today?
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