Yeah, one of the old axioms of journalism was...WAS..."don't make any accusation in print you can't prove!"
Well, I challenge anyone to buy a box of Pillsbury Toaster Strudel, pop one in the toaster and take a bite when it's hot.
Empty! I SAID IT'S EMPTY! What you'll see, and I've seen for years is, empty pockets with nothing in them!
Bite into one and then compare it to what you see on the box! Triple dog dare ya!
This is nothing less than corporate fraud and since it's gone on for years, I can only describe this as standard operational procedure!
And whose fault is it!
Pillsbury's? No!
The store where you picked up this ripoff? No!
Look in the mirror! Yup, it's your fault!
It's your fault because you don't say anything!
Well, I'm fed up!
I shall be silent no longer!
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