A socialist utopia? Name one throughout history that HAS NOT resulted in genocide and slavery!
The Obama Agenda: The Fall of America Through Orchestrated Crisis
2010 June 13
by Liz Blaine
tags: ACORN, Barack Obama, Cap and Trade, Cloward-Piven Strategy, Democratic Party, Economy, Francis Fox Piven, Global Warming, Health Care Reform, News, Obamacare, Politics, stimulus, TARP, unemploymentPages: 1 2 3
Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats are deliberately and unapologetically engaging in economic sabotage; simultaneously targeting numerous sectors of the American economy using orchestrated systemic crisis in an effort to overwhelm the U.S. economy and effect the destruction of capitalism and America from within. By using the Cloward-Piven Strategy to promote economic and social change through the exploitation of misfortune, national crisis and disorganization the Left is advancing government as the tool for reorganization. Their tactics and intended consequences include:
Strategically planned “crises” to systematically takeover private industry.
Flooding government with impossible financial burdens until the debt becomes unsustainable.
Destruction of the middle class and sustained unemployment through “bailouts” and “stimulus” packages promoted as “revitalization of the American economy.”
Devastation of the housing and financial system through the continued requirement of subprime mortgages to low-income Americans who have little to no hope of repayment
Expansion of federal powers over states and individuals.
Expansion of the powers of the Executive.
Overloading electoral systems with successive tidal waves of new voters.
Complete control over the media through “net neutrality” and the “reinvention of journalism“
Promoting social unrest and violence. First promoted in 1966 by Marxist Columbia University professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the Cloward-Piven Strategy seeks to hasten the destruction of capitalism in America by expanding the welfare system to the point of collapsing the economy and implementing socialism by nationalizing large sectors of private industry. In their Nation article, The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty, Cloward and Piven explicitly defined the kind of “crisis” they sought to create:
By crisis, we mean a publicly visible disruption in some institutional sphere. Crisis can occur spontaneously (e.g., riots) or as the intended result of tactics of demonstration and protest which either generate institutional disruption or bring unrecognized disruption to public attention.
No matter where the strategy is implemented, it shares the following features:
* The offensive organizes previously unorganized groups eligible for government benefits but not currently receiving all they can.
* The offensive seeks to identify new beneficiaries and/or create new benefits.
* The overarching aim is always to impose new stresses on target systems, with the ultimate goal of forcing their collapse.
The radical Left worked insidiously for decades to establish the needed framework to dismantle the capitalist system in America as outlined in the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Concentrated efforts were devoted to increasing welfare rolls and expanding the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), established in 1977 under the Carter administration. According to Discover The Networks, the CRA,
For purposes of “racial equality” – outlawed redlining and required banks to extend credit to undercapitalized, high-risk borrowers in low-income, mostly-minority areas. The Act also established extensive government oversight to monitor how well banks were complying with its mandates.
Any bank wishing to expand or to merge with another was required to first demonstrate that it had complied with all CRA requirements. Final approval for bank expansions or mergers could be held up or derailed entirely by complaints — however frivolous or unfounded — where community groups like ACORN or the Greenlining Institute accused a bank of having violated the CRA.
The New York Post explains what happened next:
As ACORN ran its campaigns against local banks, it quickly hit a roadblock. Banks would tell ACORN they could afford to reduce their credit standards by only a little — since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the federal mortgage giants, refused to buy up those risky loans for sale on the ’secondary market.’
That is, the CRA wasn’t enough. Unless Fannie and Freddie were willing to relax their credit standards as well, local banks would never make home loans to customers with bad credit histories or with too little money for a down-payment.
So ACORN’s Democratic friends in Congress moved to force Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to dispense with normal credit standards. Throughout the early ’90s, they imposed ever-increasing subprime-lending quotas on Fannie and Freddie….
ACORN’s intimidation tactics, and its alliance with Democrats in Congress, triumphed. Despite their 1994 takeover of Congress, Republican attempts to pare back the CRA were stymied….
ACORN had come to Congress not only to protect the CRA from GOP [Republican] reforms but also to expand the reach of quota-based lending to Fannie, Freddie and beyond….
[In June 1995] the Clinton administration announced a comprehensive strategy to push homeownership in America to new heights — regardless of the compromise in credit standards that the task would require. Fannie and Freddie were assigned massive subprime lending quotas, which would rise to about half of their total business by the end of the decade."
I got this article through A Conservative Edge(ACE) blog and Wordpress and decided to pass it on with my comments.
Blaine's piece was published on David Horowitz' NewsRealBlog.
One only needs to be a student of history to understand that the freedoms this nation was founded on are being dismantled.
Proper credits and bylines have been given
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