Have we ceded a portion of the soverign lands of this country to criminals from another country? I spoke of this-warned of this more than 20 years ago and was labeled a bigot and prejudiced. I was labeled a Nazi by a history teacher at Victoria College in class! And now we see this happening before our very eyes! And the response of our government? To close this area off and cede it to the same criminals that are devastating Mexico!
Worse yet, the very same federal government that is giving in to these criminals is disputing the state of Arizona's right to protect itself from this very thing!
And I don't wish to hear all of the blame for this placed on president Obama! This has been coming for more that 30 years! Republicans and Democrats have steadfastly refused to protect our southern border!
This from Encarta world dictionary:cede [ seed ] (past and past participle ced·ed, present participle ced·ing, 3rd person present singular cedes)
transitive verb
surrender something: to surrender or give up something such as land, rights, or power, to another country, group, or person
[Early 16th century. Via French< Latin cedere "give way"]
Section of Arizona Wildlife Refuge Closed Since 2006 Due to Safety ConcernsPublished June 17, 2010
"Jan. 9, 2008: A U.S. Border Patrol agent watches over a group of immigrants arrested after crossing illegally from Mexico through the Altar Valley in Arizona.
Thousands of acres of government parkland in Arizona that were quietly closed to U.S. citizens in 2006 due to safety concerns fueled by drug and human smuggling along the Mexican border remain a no-go zone for Americans nearly four years later.
Roughly 3,500 acres of taxpayer-funded government land in Arizona have been closed to U.S. citizens since 2006 due to safety concerns fueled by drug and human smuggling along the Mexican border, according to a statement posted on the website for the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge.
The section of land -- about 3 percent of the 118,000-acre refuge -- has been closed since Oct. 6, 2006, when "there was a marked increase in violence along the border due to human and drug trafficking," according to the statement released Wednesday by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The closed area extends north from the international border for roughly three-quarters of a mile; a notice of the area's closure has been posted on the refuge's website since 2006. The remainder of the refuge remains open to the public for recreational activities.
"At this time there are no plans to reopen this southernmost 3/4-mile portion of the Refuge," the statement continued. "However, since 2006 the Refuge has experienced a significant decline in violent activity in the area thanks to ongoing cooperation between the US Fish and Wildlife Service and US Customs and Border Protection."
Giving Part of U.S. to Mexico?
Giving Part of U.S. to Mexico? A stretch of Arizona is off limits to Americans because of heavily armed drug smugglers and human traffickers!
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu told Fox News on Wednesday that violence against law enforcement officers and U.S. citizens has increased in the past four months, further underscoring the need to keep the area off-limits to Americans.
"It's literally out of control," Babeu said. “We stood with Senator McCain and literally demanded support for 3,000 soldiers to be deployed to Arizona to get this under control and finally secure our border with Mexico."
U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials have warned visitors in the area to beware of heavily armed drug smugglers and human traffickers. In a statement posted at the time of the closure, Mitch Ellis, manager of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, said conditions in the zone reached a point where public use of the area was not prudent.
"The [refuge] has been adversely affected by border-related activities," Ellis' statement read. "The international border with Mexico has also become increasingly violent. Assaults on law enforcement officers and violence against migrants have escalated. Violence on the Refuge associated with smugglers and border bandits has been well-documented."
Security is also a top concern in other parcels of public land in Arizona.
Dennis Godfrey, a spokesman for the Bureau of Land Management's Arizona office, said roughly a dozen signs were posted earlier this month along the Sonoran Desert National Monument advising that travel in the area is not recommended due to "active drug and human" smuggling.
"It is a corridor for smugglers of all types," Godfrey said on Thursday.
The monument, which contains more than 487,000 acres of desert landscape, is roughly 35 miles southwest of Phoenix. Bureau of Land Management officials are encouraging travelers to use public lands north of Interstate 8, which runs from San Diego to Casa Grande, Ariz.
"Visitors may encounter armed criminals and smuggling vehicles travelling at a high rate of speed," the signs read. "Stay away from trash, clothing, backpacks and abandoned vehicles."
FoxNews.com's Joshua Rhett Miller contributed to this report.
Please! Please don't give me any garbage about this coming from Fox or, as the secular progressive liberals like to call it, Faux News! This was picked up by Fox News from Rueters and we all know Rueters isn't a bastion of conservatism!
There is a simple solution to this! The Arizona governor needs to call out the Arizona National Guard, Arizona State Police and as many volunteer officers from around the state and clean the area up. Post men on the border and stop this give away!
Might I also remind the reader that the Islamofascit terrorist jihadists who tried to blow up a New York airport fuel tank farm came across the southern border?
Well Ken, off subject, but I thought you would appreciate this, not a turtle tunnel but close enough...
ReplyDeleteArizona is spending $1.25 million to build bridges for endangered squirrels over a mountain road so they don't become roadkill and then monitor their health.
The money is being spent, officials said, because cars kill about five of these squirrels each year.
While most suburbanites may be baffled why anyone would protect a pesky squirrel, these are Mount Graham red squirrels, a breed once thought to be extinct. Only 250 of them are known to live near the top of Mount Graham.
The Federal Highway Administration grant will be used to build rope bridges over the lone road through the squirrels' habitat, according to Arizona Department of Transportation Community Relations Director Timothy Tait. The DOT plans to install 41 of the "canopy tunnel crossings" at a cost of $400,000.
Another $160,000 will be spent on cameras to monitor the bridges, and the rest of the money will fund a project to monitor the rodents.
After the story broke, the people in charge said.... Nahhh, nevermind.
ccording to Snow, motorists cause roughly five squirrels' deaths each year. Assuming the bridges work and no squirrels die, over 100 squirrels could be saved throughout the 20 to 25 year lifespan of the bridges.