Sweat is what it takes to create things, to build things to produce! Many Americans have lost that talent!
There was a time when we were an industrious and determined people! Due to a number of factors we have generally lost that!
I had a Job experience. No not a job experience, a biblical Job experience. I lost everything! I very nearly lost my life!
In the space of five years I lost my health, I lost my ability to work, my life's savings were wiped out almost over night. I lost two vehicles to the repo man. I had two side jobs and lost both of them. I tried to go back to work and broke my foot the second day. I was diagnosed with the start of conjestive heart failure, Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and foot neuropathy. I visited the office of the woman I deeply and truly loved and heard her office mates repeating her boast of Demi Moore who had married Ashton Cutcher an actor half her age because she was living with a former office mate half HER age. My son had been transferred to St. Petersburg, Florida and I found out that an international corporation had told a potential employer that I was a convicted felon and implied that I had served seven years in prison and none of it true! For two years I had zero income!
Yes, I could say I'd had a Job experience. I mean, what else could I lose? And then my father died a terrible death. The only good thing was that I knew he is with the Lord!
How could this be happening? I tithed, gave offerings, did alms and had a ministry of helps to the Pastor and how could this happen to me?
It was a slow, gut wrenching climb back up but I lost 165 pounds and got with the right doctors/got the right meds and in late 2008 I was up in the top of a construction dumpster taking out some plywood needed for the remodeling to a renthouse that was given to me and the Lord finally spoke! He said, "Now you know how to survive!" I wept!
I thought about it all the next day and examined the changes he made in my life. Since I was unable to get away from the house more than a few hours at a time because I was and am the primary caregiver for my mother, I learned who and how to ask to salvage construction sites.
I learned that there wasn't anything legal I wouldn't do to make an honest dollar. It's amazing what a man's pride being stripped away will lead him to if he's a committed Christian!
I had a learning experience and the Lord doesn't teach a class that severe unless those skills learned won't be needed!
I believe America has a Job experience coming! A storm is coming indeed! Are you ready?
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